November 2020 Update

Even as we consider all of the uncertainty of the election and its outcomes this week, we are confident that the Lord Jesus has all authority in heaven and on earth and under the earth and that we can move forward in our mission with confidence in him!

On Monday evening, November 2, several families gathered at our house to eat, pray, and dream about how they might be involved in our ministry in Hawaii. As we have been praying and planning for the two BCS sites, the preaching workshops, and other pastoral training and equipping, it has become clear to me that I’ll need help sooner than later. We’re thankful for many pastors and churches on the ground in the Islands, but we’re also praying for a team that will join us in the coming months and years who can help with the administrative and teaching load at BCS Hawaii and in the TLI preaching workshops. 

Our BCS extension sites are moving forward, and student applications are beginning to trickle in. We’ve been very encouraged by the wave of enthusiasm that we’ve seen for these programs, which confirms the ongoing needs for theological training in Hawaii and the Pacific Islands. We are waiving application fees through January 1, so if you or others are interested, apply soon. And please continue to pray for the ministry planning that will surround these training sites. 

However, to get our training efforts off the ground, we need to reach our fundraising goals. We’re currently have about 33% of our monthly funding needs pledged, and are praying that will continue to bump up through the end of 2020. In the last several weeks, we’ve had the opportunity to meet with several pastors and potential supporting churches. We were invited to the TCT Network Pastors and Wives Retreat in Sarasota, FL last month. This was a great time for us to both get away but also connect with many TCT pastors. We are excited to see how God will use partnerships with the churches in this network in the coming years. This weekend (11/8) Chris is preaching at a church in Iowa in the morning and then presenting at a church back in Minnesota in the evening. Pray for him as he travels. After this, he is planning a trip to California in early December to teach for a missions training group and to meet with several pastors and churches in the area. We’ve also had some good conversations with several Minnesota churches and are praying for several more partnerships in the broader Twin Cities region.  

Last month, I asked you to pray about our joining our support team by the end of 2020. By God’s grace, we’ve had ten new individuals supporters make commitments since then. As we approach the end of the year, we are praying for 33 families or individuals to join us. 

We’ve had 5 new partners giving $25 per month and are praying for 16 more who commit to give $25 per month.

We’ve had 3 new partners giving $50 per month and are praying for 13 more who commit to give $50 per month.

We’ve had 2 new partners giving $100 per month and are praying for 5 more who commit to give $100 per month.

Would you pray with us about these partnerships and consider taking one of these spots giving $25, $50, $100 (or whatever the Lord might lead you to give) to help us training pastors and teachers in the Hawaiian Islands and throughout the Pacific Rim?

To give online, go to and click the “CONTRIBUTE.”

In the Grace of the Lord Jesus,

Chris and Katie Bruno

Pray With Us

Prayer Requests

  • Please pray that the Lord would provide 33 new partners and several new supporting churches by the end of 2020.

  • Please pray for pastors and churches in Hawaii as they navigate faithful ministry during the ongoing COVID restrictions and severe economic impact.

  • Please pray for potential team members in both Hawaii and on the mainland to have wisdom to know whether and how they fit on the team.


  • Praise God that Chris and Katie were able to go to the TCT retreat to meet potential partners, even during the COVID season.

  • Praise God for getting us to 33% of our needed support being pledged.

  • Praise God for six churches and twenty-five individual givers, with many others praying about coming on board.


End of the Year 2020


A Beachhead for Gospel Advance