July 2021 Update

Dear Ministry Partners,

This will be a short update because we are in the midst of getting ready to launch on July 14! We moved out of our house yesterday and will be staying with family and friends until we fly to Oahu.

We all worked hard to get out of our house and will be spending time with family in Wisconsin and Michigan the next couple weeks. Pray that it would be a wonderful time of rest and connection.

Once we hit the ground on July 14, we will spend some time trying to set up good rhythms for life and ministry. Pray that we'd have wisdom in starting well.
For our friends in Minnesota, we'll be commissioned at Bethlehem South on Sunday, July 11, followed by a potluck after the service. We'd love to have you join us for the service or lunch. See here for more info and a link to sign up.   

By God's grace, we have the support to launch out well! Thank you for your continued support. 

We are praying about some new opportunities in the coming years for a theological library and a physical space, but for now we want to say thank you Lord! God is using so many of you to provide for this ministry, and we are so grateful for your ongoing partnership.


Yours in Christ,
Chris and Katie


November Update


June Update